2nd Republican Congress of Kazakhstan leading practitioners took place in Shymkent on April 16-18th, 2015.

Press Release

2nd Republican Congress of Kazakhstan leading practitioners took place in Shymkent on April 16-18th, 2015. The event was arranged by Chimpharm JSC with trade mark Santo Member of Polpharma Group who has been a flagship in Kazakhstan pharmaceutical industry. In addition a tour to new Ampoules and Infusions Department was held for specialists, scientists, experts in healthcare and mass media. The Company announced the completion of first stage of its investment programme and granting of certificate for new state-of-art Ampoules-Infusions Department commissioned last year. New sterile production has no analogues in EurAsEC.

Shymkent, 16th of April, 2015
2nd Republican Congress of Kazakhstan leading practitioners the largest specialized event gathered scientists, healthcare specialists from Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Ukraine practitioners and management staff from relevant departments so all those who are responsible for public health in the country. Over 500 best experts in various categories (therapy, cardiology, pediatrics, pharmacy segment) took part in the Congress.

The Congress aim in providing further development of healthcare in Kazakhstan, informing specialists about new methods, diagnostics and treatment in various categories of modern medicine, sharing professional experience and knowledge in various fields of medicine and pharmacy between experts and scientists form different countries. To congress partakers were given reports of experts in cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, urology and pediatrics.

S.R. Musinov, General Director National Center for Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Expertise ; S.E. Sultanov, President PharmMedIndustry of Kazkhstan; S.K. Uralov, Deputy General Director National Center for Healthcare Development of RK Ministry of Health and Social Development; M.H. Embergenova, Deputy Director Medical Service Department of RK Ministry of Health and Social Development, Representative of Center for Life Sciences of Nazarbayev University: A.E. Gulyaev, M.D, Professor, Leading Researcher; T.C. Nurgozhin, M.D. Professor, Director Translational Medicine Department, Healthy longevity and Global Health and A.T. Supiev, M.C., Researcher as well as other famous scientists from Russia, Polish, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

• A.B. Danilov, M.D., Professor of Nervous Diseases Department, Professional Training Institute, Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russia);
• N. Dolzhenko, Ukraine Honored Practitioner, Head of Cardiology Department, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education n.a. P.L. Shupyk National, M.D., Professor (Kiev, Ukraine);
• Michał Matysiak, Professor of Oncology and Hematology Department, Pediatrics Clinics (Warsaw, Poland);
• Januszewicz Andrze, M.D., Head of Hypertension Division, Cardiology Institute, Member of Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland);
• Pavel Lisovskiy, Consultant for Business Processes Optimization, Pharmaceutical Marketing School, Synovate Comcon, Healthcare unit (Moscow, Russia);
• Zh.B. Ispaeva, M.D., Professor, Chief Pediatric Allergist of RK Ministry of Health and Social Development, President of RK Allergists and Clinical Immunologists Association, Allergology and Clinical Immunology Department Head, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Piotr Mildner, Santo CEO highlighted that 1st Congress 2014 in Almaty gathered over 350 leading specialists. This year we decided to held the Congress in Shymkent as here is our unique production and more than 500 delegates participate. Today we have signed Memorandums on mutual cooperation with National Center for Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Expertise and Republican Center for Healthcare Development of RK Ministry of Health and Social Development. No doubts our partnership within the frameworks of concluded Memorandums will improve healthcare quality in our country and enable to implement best international practices.
Within the frameworks of the Memorandum concluded with National Center for Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Expertise joint events are projected (conferences, workshops, trainings etc.) on biosimilars, generics and pharmacovigilance.

In addition during the Congress Memorandum with Republican Center for Healthcare Development of RK Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development was concluded for Kazakhstan and Polish experts exchange in order to improve skills of personnel in pharmaceutical, medical sector and facilitate healthcare development in Kazakhstan.

A tour was arranged to new Ampoules and Infusions Department for all partakers and mass media had been commissioned under Governmental Forced Industrial and Innovative Development Plan (FIIR). Production of sterile medicines in ampoules in new department was created in accordance with international standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Santo today is first and the only pharmaceutical producer in Kazakhstan who is holding 3 GMP certificates for production operation of sterile dosage forms, i.e. aseptic powders of antibiotics filling, solutions for injections in Infusions Department and solutions for injections in syringe filling ampoules.

Santo is the largest domestic manufacture of medicinal products. Santo has been produced and supplied over one third of medicines procuring by Samruk-Kazyna Farmacia Ltd. under guaranteed volume of free medical care. State-of-art pharmaceutical production in accordance with GMP standards now is possible due to Santo mergence with Polpharma International Pharmaceutical Group in 2011. At that stage large-scale investment programme was launched for new production and revamping of existing facilities in accordance with international GMP standards. Projected investment volume exceeds USD100mio. Investments in Ampoules and Infusions Department for today are exceeding USD40mio.
To bring the quality of pharmaceutical industry to international standards within direction set forth by the President of Kazakhstan, Santo launched its educational project Santo Academic Programme in 2013. Under this programme were signed Memorandums of Understanding with Astana Medical University, Center for Life Sciences of Nazarbayev University, South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy and Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemical-Biological direction in Shymkent. At scope of these MoU students, scholars and scientists visit in Kazakhstan and Poland the Company production facilities and research laboratories, gain fellowships in support of the most attractive scientific developments.

The Company makes a significant contribution to social-economic development of Kazakhstan producing high quality and affordable medicines which gives a considerable reduction of expenses on healthcare and expands medicines availability for more patients in the country. Such broad-scale development of domestic medicines producer meets expectations of the President who stated at Republican National TV-link devoted to Industrialization Day, December 25, 2014: Shymkent is becoming a flagship in production of medicinal products. If you remember I assigned this task long ago as enormous amount of medicines we had imported. Now we produce them here.
Santo Member of Polpharma Group:
Santo Member of Polpharma Group is trade mark of Chimpharm JSC (KASE: CHFM). The Company has been developed, produced and supplied affordable high quality medicines to markets of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Company’s facilities enable to produce annually 1bln tablets, capsules and granules, 300mln ampoules, 24mln vials of antibiotics and 4mln infusions. The company is Kazakhstan pharmaceutical market leader whose portfolio counts over 200 generic and innovation drugs for 12 pharmacotherapeutic groups in various therapy categories. Santo Member of Polpharma Group is a responsible employer for more than 1200 people in Shymkent and within all regions of Kazakhstan. The Company is an exporter for markets of five countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia and Turkmenistan.

Additional information:
Dinara Assatova, PR-Specialist
Santo Member of Polpharma Group
Al-Farabi Av., 15, Business Center “Nurly Tau” 5В, 19th floor
050013, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel/fax: +7 (727) 312 18 33, +7 701 993 14 60

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