Astana hosted an educational workshop on medical insurance

Astana, July 7, 2016
The system of mandatory social health insurance, with the creation of its main organizational structure -  the social health insurance fund (FSMI) generated from insurance premiums will start in Kazakhstan from 2017. The concept of implementation the current system of health insurance involves serious explanatory work among the population and, of course, primarily to increase the competence of physicians on issues of health insurance. With this purpose under the auspices of the SANTO company a program of educational seminars by medical insurance is implemented. From 30 June to 1 July at the Medical University of Astana was held the first workshop with the participation of famous Polish and Kazakh specialists.
Opening of the seminar was marked by a ceremony to exchange letters of intent for cooperation between the Medical University of Astana and Warsaw Medical University. A report on the health care system of Kazakhstan and the forthcoming reforms, but rather the implementation of the OSMS was made by Timur Sultangaziev, Deputy General Director Republican center for health development Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Serikbol Rahimjanovich Mussinov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of  SK-pharmacy LLP made a report on " the role of  SK -pharmacy LLP and the place of the sole distributor in the health system, including MSHI. That the transition to insurance medicine promises to be challenging, evidenced by the number of innovations that anticipated the new health insurance system. For example, according to the law, MSHI can deal with not only medical issues, but also investment activity. In addition, experts predict that in the conditions of insurance competition between private and public health facilities will increase, their financing will be carried out according to the number of patients served, and the right choice of the latter will increase. What are the advantages and benefits  expect patients of Kazakhstan in the transition to insurance medicine, what kind of experience can be instructive for us – this matter and not only was discussed during the educational seminar. The report on selected models of healthcare financing in Europe, the factors of its success, on advantages and disadvantages of insurance in Poland and lessons learned on it, on the Polish system of emergency aid, optimization of the treatment of cardiovascular disease to positively influence health indicators, and on other topical issues in medicine was made by speakers from Poland, experts on drug policy, pharmacoeconomics, systems for improving health. Among them Tomasz Zdroevski , Krzysztof Chlebus, Marian Zembala, Roman Kolek, Dorota Jędrzejczyk-Okońska, Peter Blazsik, Adam Fronczak and Irina Mogilnaya. The participants of seminar also discussed closely to the topic the issues of formation of insurance contributions, obligations and responsibilities of employers and employees, financing of medical procedures in hospitals, the system of financing of medicines in outpatient and inpatient care, possibilities of management information systems, health services, telemedicine and other IT solutions in healthcare (especially useful in Kazakhstan, due to geographical conditions). In conclusion, the participants summed up the results, came to the general conclusion that the transition to insurance medicine requires new knowledge and competences for specialists, improving the quality of medical services to the population.
SANTO is the largest domestic manufacturer of medicines. More than one third of the total volume of medicines purchased by JSC "Samruk-Kazyna pharmacy" within the guaranteed volume of free medical aid, manufactured and delivered by SANTO. The creation of the modern pharmaceutical industry, relevant GMP standards, is now possible thanks to the incorporation of the company SANTO into international pharmaceutical Group Polpharma in 2011. In the meantime began the implementation of large-scale investment project on creation of new and modernization of existing pharmaceutical production facility, conforming to international GMP standards. The planned volume of investments is more than 100 million U.S. dollars.
To improve the pharmaceutical industry and its compliance with international standards under the direction of the Head of State, SANTO launched an educational project "Academic program SANTO in 2013.  In the framework of it the Memorandums on cooperation with the Medical University of Astana, Center for Life Sciences of Nazarbayev University, South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy and the Nazarbayev Intellectual chemical-biological school in the city of Shymkent was signed. Under the Memorandums, students, schoolchildren and researchers visits production facilities and research laboratories in Kazakhstan and in Poland, receive grants to support the most promising scientific papers.
SANTO Member of Polpharma Group is a trade mark of JSC "Khimfarm" (KASE: CHFM). The company develops, manufactures and supplies with affordable medicines of high quality the markets of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The production capacity of the company allows to produce 1.2 billion tablets, capsules and granules, 300 million ampoules, 40 million vials of antibiotics and 6 million packages and bottles of infusions annually. The company is a leader of pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan with a portfolio of more than 260 generic and original drugs in 12 therapeutic groups for the treatment of diseases in various therapeutic areas. SANTO is a responsible employer for more than 1000 people in Shymkent and in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company exports to the markets of five countries - Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan.
Additional information:
Tatyana Filipchik, PR-Manager
Address: 160019, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Rashidov street, 81
Phone: +7(727) 3121833

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