The International Conference on Integrated Tuberculosis Control for Central Asia was held on September 26-27, 2016 in Almaty

The International Conference on Integrated Tuberculosis Control for Central Asia was held on September 26-27, 2016 in Almaty. This event was organized by the National Center for Tuberculosis Problems under the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of SANTO.

Tuberculosis is one of the most important medical and social problems throughout the world and particularly in the Euro-Asian region countries. According to statistical data of the WHO, each year approximately 8.5 million people become ill with tuberculosis worldwide, including more than half a million cases of multiple drug resistance; 1.3 million people die from this disease. Tuberculosis morbidity rate was decreased by 2.2 times and mortality was decreased by 5 times in Kazakhstan over the last 10 years due to support of the Head of State and high-quality implementation of a set of antituberculous measures.

The purpose of the conference is to develop the relevant ways to improve the epidemiological situation on tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan and implement the WHO End TB Strategy for 2016-2035 and the Integrated Tuberculosis Control Model in Kazakhstan for 2016-2025. The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Health of five Central Asian countries, experts from Russia, South Korea and China as well as experts of the WHO and international organizations (USAID, GFATM and Partners in Health).

The conference discussed the issues associated with the antituberculous service reforming in accordance with the WHO Strategy "Eliminate Tuberculosis", including the financial mechanism reforming, regulatory framework revision and human resources strengthening; expansion of outpatient tuberculosis treatment with a patient-oriented approach, criteria for selection of patients for treatment; improvement of infection control at the stages of outpatient care (primary medical care, home care, civil society/NGOs). The participants spoke about the need for a special approach to vulnerable groups (migrants, prisoners, people living with HIV, etc.); expanding the use of the accelerated methods for TB and MDR-TB diagnosis; interaction of the specialist and primary medical care-laboratory services at the stages of outpatient treatment; introduction of tuberculosis treatment schemes with the use of new anti-TB medicines (registration, medicines, selection of patients, side effects, treatment monitoring, cohort analysis, etc.).

"Conference with a broad and representative participation of local and foreign specialists and experts confirms the serious intentions of Kazakhstan in the fight against socially significant disease. And I am proud that SANTO is a partner in the organization of such a large-scale and significant event. I am confident that together we will be able to resist the spread of this dangerous disease. Medicines released by SANTO comply with the international quality standards and provide effective assistance in the treatment of this disease. I think that our contribution will help health care representatives quickly and efficiently to deal with the problem". - Mr. Izhi Urbanets, a CEO of SANTO, has commented.


ABOUT SANTO:                                                                               

SANTO Member of Polpharma Group is a trade mark of Chimpharm JSC (KASE: CHFM). The Company develops and manufactures high quality medicines as well as supplies the markets of Kazakhstan and Central Asia with such available medicines. The Company's production capacities allow producing 1.2 billion of tablets, capsules and granules, 300 million of ampoules, 40 million of vials with antibiotics and 6 million of infusion packs and vials annually. The Company is the Kazakhstan pharmaceutical market leader with a portfolio of more than 260 generic and original medicines in 12 pharmacotherapeutic groups for the treatment of diseases in a variety of therapeutic areas. SANTO is a responsible employer for more than 1.000 people in Shymkent and in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Company exports its products to the markets of five countries - Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia and Turkmenistan.


Additional Information:

Tatyana Filipchik, PR Manager

Chimpharm JSC Branch in Almaty

Floor 19, 5B Section, Nurly-Tau PFC, 17/1 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty, 050013

Tel: +77273121833; ext=0096


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